26 Sep

Reception Class Waitrose Trip


Our first ever Reception trip was to Waitrose in Twyford! We were so excited to travel on the school bus. We were lucky to go behind the scenes and visit the warehouse. It was interesting to see how they keep fruit and vegetables in very large walk in fridges. The highlight of the trip was walking into the enormous freezers, the temperature was -24 degrees!   

We discovered that trout comes from local rivers in Hampshire and some of the fish travels a long distance, the  little neck clams were transported from New Zealand. In the loading bay we saw a really cool recycling machine for paper and plastic trip.

Finally we did some fruit shopping and tried to spot all the types of fruit in the story Handa’s Surprise, we even got the chance to use a till at the checkout. Back at school we had fun making a delicious fruit salad and turned our role play into a fruit and vegetable market.