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Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.
Ernest Hemingway
At Dolphin, English is focused on both equipping children with the skills needed to succeed in the subject, whilst also engendering a love for language and literature.
From modern day classics, such as Carrie’s War, to Beowulf, we aim to provide children with an exciting and inspiring curriculum, which not only covers the rules of grammar and spelling but gives them a greater appreciation for the depth and wonders of the English language.
We explore a variety of genres of literature through books, poetry and topics that follow the interests of the class. This enables us to fully develop the children’s reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
Our well-stocked library, containing the latest books and daily timetabled reading sessions help to develop a passion for reading, which is further ignited with the Dolphin School Book Festival, where we welcome well-known authors who deliver captivating workshops.
Teaching and learning are delivered through stimulating and engaging activities, such as expert presentations, where children teach the rest of the class (and the teacher!) about a hobby or interest of their own. Learning goes beyond the classroom, with visits to Swindon Steam Museum, as part of our Second World War topic, bringing to life the evacuation experience of Carrie and Nick (Carrie’s War) and Christchurch College, Oxford, where pupils explore how the college has influenced so many writers and engage in an afternoon of fantasy writing on Christchurch Meadows, just like many well-known authors before them.
Links are made with the children’s work in drama. Year 8 go on a residential trip to Stratford, where they explore Shakespeare’s birthplace, get involved in a theatre workshop and take in a classic Shakespearean play at the Swan Theatre.
Jo Hurst, Head of English