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Modern Languages
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
We are very proud of our modern foreign language programme at Dolphin School which runs from Nursery through to Year 8, making language learning and multi-lingualism a regular part of the children’s school experience.
Every September, we join in with the pan-European celebration of languages, with a special assembly, a song in 18 languages and stickers.
A child’s linguistic journey begins in Nursery, playing with new sounds and tasting foods from many countries and winds its way through the years, until the ability to use a range of tenses and linguistic structures puts children in the best possible position to continue the study of languages at their chosen senior schools.
French is the main language taught, with Spanish being available in Years 7 and 8. Languages are brought to life via a number of authentic experiences; French lunch in Year 1 and trips to France in Years 5 (Boulogne) and 8 (The Alps). Our biennial French Day brings the whole school community together, as the hall is transformed into a French town, complete with shops, a bank, a doctor’s surgery and a fully operational café.
Language learning at Dolphin involves lots of speaking, singing and playing games in the various languages; we even have bug hunts on the field! It’s quite simply ‘magnifique’!
Ruth Carlisle-Smith, Head of Modern Languages